Alle® Base Set

Essential for operating in total safety

All the essentials you need to begin any procedure. Specially designed for implant surgery. The product of joint studies with experts in dental surgery. A modified version of the Implant Set.

  • Classification

    MD class I s

  • Packaging

    Packed in a sterile medical
    blister pack a with a
    double adhesive label.
    The components are
    individually folded and
    wrapped in medical paper

  • Sterility

    Sterility guaranteed for 59 months from the date of production

Code Content Material Size Pcs
270106 Standard gown with cotton cuffs NWF One size 1
Standard gown with elastic cuffs NWF One size 2
Cap with ties at the back NWF One size 1
Round cap with elastic NWF One size 2
Facemask with ties NWF One size 1
Monoart® face mask Protection 3 NWF One size 2
Drape with U cut with adhesive NWF + PE 75 x 90 cm / cut 11 x 9 cm 1
Surgical drape NWF + PE 50 x 75 cm 2
Tubing sleeve with elastics LDPE 120 x 7 cm 1
  • Plus


    The Euronda Alle® sets satisfy individual needs for all kinds of surgery.
  • Plus


    Contents are organised in a practical way and components are arranged in order of use.
  • Plus


    The sterile sets significantly reduce the time needed to set up your operating field and make it easy to manage your purchases.